Saturday, September 29, 2018

Student Teacher Self Report : Teaching Practice

Student Teacher Self Report: Teaching Practice

Teaching Practice

 5.1.Procedure of Teaching

The procedure of teaching that I use in grade 11 and 12 Tarlac Agricultural University Laboratory School is STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) method and It’s one of the Cooperative teaching method. 

Here are the procedure how I conduct my teaching practical :
  1. I introduce my self in front of the class. 
  2. I give some apperception like a simple question and video.
  3. I arranging the class by divided the students into 6 groups. 
  4. Each groups choose a topic that consists of the Earth’s Crust, Upper Mantle, Lower Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core and Water Cycle .
  5. Group representatives took the topic of discussion .
  6. Each student is given 10-15 minutes to discuss.
  7. when students discuss, I explains briefly about the 4 major in the earth like The Geosphere, The Earth’s Crust and The Hidrosphere 
  8. After 15 minutes, every groups must explain the group topic. 
  9. I give some worksheet quiz for the students.
  5.2. Time Management and Organizing Activities

For the time  management itself, I used watch and alarm. So I will know when the teaching time is done. For time allocation I use 10 minutes for apperceptions, 5 minutes for arranging the class into 6 groups and each group must choose a topic, 10 minutes for I explain the material, 15 minutes for group discussion , 50 minutes for groups explain the group topic, 10 minutes for the quiz assignment and closing the class.

The teacher also walking around the class to check the group discussion, if the students not understand about the topic the teacher will give a short explanation about the topic. The total of the teaching hour in the internship is 19 hours of teaching and assist, but there's flooding in Philippines which is make the school have to close for few days.

 5.3. Problem-solving
My main problem of teaching the grade 11 and 12 subject Earth and Science life is  the material itself, the difference English pronunciation that I use and my students use and the time management. Actually my major is Biology education and I suppose to teach about earth science. On the other hand, sometimes when I explain in the material in the class, the students find the difficulties in  understanding my English pronunciation. My problem in time management is when the student group explain the material too long and too much group left.

To solving the problem about the materials I learn again all about earth science, make a simple explain when I explain the materials and of course using appropriate teaching method to teach the students. For solving the English pronunciation I try to follow Philippines English pronunciation and get adapted with it, and the last  for solving the time management I make 1 topic to 2 meeting and I just make a little group.

 5.4. Classroom Management

The class have 45-51 students in the class, so when teaching I divided the student into several group and give each group a  topic to present and explain based on the group discussion then I found out that the students more active and enjoy to learn in the class. Sometimes when I teach in the afternoon, I like make some jokes to make the students focus and enjoy the material.

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