Friday, September 28, 2018

Day 20 (30 August 2018) Teaching Evaluation Day

This is my Teaching Evaluation day. I have 2 class today and Mr Joven say want join with me in the class to to give an assessment. I waiting Mr Joven, but Mr Joven not came in the office. I can’t teaching evaluation when Mr Joven not come. 

I think I must teaching in my last class today, I prepare everything. And the time is come. All students and Mr came in the class. I try to do the best because this is my Teaching evaluation. I start the class with showing a video, this video show about human drop from earth. 

After that I divided the students to be 11 group and I give every group 1 topic to discussion. The topic is the Earth’s Crust, Upper Mantle, Lower Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core, Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Ionosphere and Exosphere. 

I give the student 10-15 minutes to discuss.

when students discuss, I explains about of 4 major in the earth, The Geosphere, The Earth’s Crust, The Hidrosphere, The Atmosphere and Biosphere.

(I explains about of 4 major in the earth, The Geosphere, The Earth’s Crust, The Hidrosphere, The Atmosphere and Biosphere)

After 15 minutes, every group must explain the group topic.

 (group explain the group topic)

In this class I found the problem,
1.      students explain too long
2.      the every group have a same way to explain the material, the just drawing in the board and read the writing on the paper
3.      the time was over before all grup explain the topic.

So after the student out from class, I say to Mr Joven, Sir may I teach again next week, because I think today's class is far from my expectations. He look the schedule and he say yes you can teach again in Monday in STEM 11 B at 7:30 am. 

I go to hostel, I thought about how to prevent the problems in the class from being returned, I try to found the solution, but until midnight I not found the solution.

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